Our 2024 Teen Trialogue will focused on the topic: How do our faith traditions define diversity, equity and inclusion?
Youth ages 14-18 are invited to join us at Boston Avenue United Methodist Church on Sunday, February 25th from 1:00 - 4:00pm for dynamic conversation around this year's theme. Register below.
About Teen Trialogue
The annual Teen Trialogue series is an effort to encourage interaction and dialogue among persons of all faiths. The three-session series has been enormously popular and successful since its inception in 1983 and provides an opportunity for youth ages 14-18 representing diverse faith traditions to discuss and learn about their own faith traditions while simultaneously exploring others. It fosters a strengthening of each participant’s chosen faith, a better understanding of other faiths, and cross-cultural and inter-religious friendships. In an effort to increase accessibility for youth across Tulsa, the three-session model with shift to be self-contained within a single afternoon beginning in 2024.
Past participants have remarked:
- “I liked gaining knowledge about other faiths.”
- “I liked meeting new people.”
- “I enjoyed experiencing different cultures.”
- “I liked being able to share personal experiences.”
- “I liked getting to know the different holidays of various religions.”